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Replacement management tool

Solution name: Replacement management tool

Aim: Feeding planning of replacement ewe-lambs according to productive objectives (economic approach and replacement schedule)

Description: Excel Tool.

It is an Excel Tool to calculate the amount of feed required at every phase of the rearing period, and to provide economical information.

The tool also forecasts the most relevant dates (i.e. when the replacement lambs would achieve the recommended live weight for mating) according to the feeding chosen.

The user can make simulations with different feeding alternatives and to assess their impact on the rearing as well.

    Topic: Nutrition/Managment

    Production:  Dairy

    Animal Category: Replaement

    Issue: Grazing management

    Level of Solution:  Practical

    Country: Spain


    How to implement

    Download file in your computer (free)

    Expected benefits

    Planning and feeding properly animals during the rearing period and calculation of costs

    Cost Benefit analysis

    A good planification of the rearing and replacement period implies some additional labour and technical advice to implement the solution. The additional incomes would be less time for the rearing period and a more suitable growth leading to an increase of milk production.

    Sustainability analysis

    The implementation of this solution leads to a better replacement planification with a reduction of the replacement period and a more accurate feeding schedule. Consequently, it means an increment of the feeding, grazing and feed-self efficiency.
    Besides, the feeding plan set up the feeding schedule and the group of animals, therefore, the animal welfare is better. The planification allows the family to organise better the labour improving the social sustainability and the image of the company.

    Prerequisites and/or limits

    Excel 2016

    Information Sources / Useful links

    This post is also available in: French Spanish Greek Hungarian Italian Turkish